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brand awareness


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returning customers

Project Overview

Plants4You sought a comprehensive solution with the goal of enhancing user engagement and expanding their digital resources. Their vision included the development of a fully optimised website designed not only to boost returning users but also to incorporate valuable features such as a user-friendly plant finder system and informative guides. By seamlessly integrating these elements, Plants4You aimed to provide unparalleled support to their customers, empowering them with a more enriching and educational online experience.

The Problem ⚠️

Plants4You found themselves hindered by an outdated and nondescript website that failed to showcase the full extent of their exceptional services and diverse product offerings. A notable challenge surfaced with a page loading issue, attributed to oversized images, resulting in a discouragingly high bounce rate.

The Solution ✅

To address the challenges faced by Plants4You, we implemented a comprehensive solution focused on optimising their website design and elevating the overall user experience. A paramount objective was to enhance the site journey, ensuring a seamless and intuitive navigation experience for visitors.

The Process

Discovery Call - Introducing myself to the client and finding out their wants and desires for this project. Discussing budgets, timelines and other details specific to project.
Competitor & General Research - Building a case for the project to understand likes and dislikes. Researching trends in the industry as well as UX.
Start Wireframes - Building wireframes for website layout. Making sure the page follows optimal conversion rate optimisation [CRO] as well as User Experience [UX] best practises.
Designing - Adding all brand colours as well as content into designs to bring the concepts to life. This is where the client will give feedback and ultimately approve designs before development.
Development - Building the site in the chosen CMS, integrating content, setting up plugins, AB testing and more.
Training and further support - After the project was launched, we sent the client reports as well as trained them up to be able to use their easy to edit website.

Take a look at the before & after.

Take a look at the site.

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